BLAST Christmas Party 2023
Saturday 2nd December 2023 at 6:30pm
This event has now sold out
BIGLITTLE students and their families are invited to the annual Christmas Party!
Dear BIGLITTLE students and your families,
Start getting into the Christmas spirit at the BIGLITTLE Arts Support Trust’s annual Christmas Party !
The event will be held at Bournemouth School For Girls. Doors will open at 6.30pm for you to enjoy a festive drink and a mingle with friends. The evening will finish around 10.00pm.
BIGLITTLE students will be providing some christmassy entertainment and there will be a bar, a meal (which needs to be pre-ordered), a Christmas Present Tombola and lots more fun!
Please ensure that you select the correct tickets to add to your basket.
PDP students do NOT need a ticket – their tickets will be managed separately.
Students can either buy a ‘Student Ticket’ which will provide and adult sized meal, or a ‘Child Ticket’ for a child portion.
Adult tickets provide entry, a welcome drink, festive entertainment, an adult portion of a festive meal.
Student tickets provide entry, a small gift from Father Christmas, an adult portion of a festive meal.
Child tickets provide entry, a small gift from Father Christmas, a child portion of a festive meal. (All children except Starlights and PDP students must have adult supervision at the event)
Under 2’s tickets – Children under 2 year of age are free and do not need a ticket, unless they would like a small present from Father Christmas.
Helper tickets are for those who have volunteered to prepare and run the event (you know who you are!)
(We still need a few more helpers to serve food and drinks etc – so if you are free to help please get in touch at info@blasttrust.org thank you.)
Tickets are strictly limited due to the capacity of the hall, so buy your tickets as soon as possible to save disappointment. This event has sold out in previous years, and whilst we hate doing it, we do have to turn latecomers away for capacity/safety reasons.
This is a BLAST event (Not BIGLITTLE Theatre School), so if you have any issues, queries or concerns, please email us at info@blast-artstrust.org.
We look forward to seeing you and kicking off the Christmas holidays in style!
Ticket Options